Date:  Mon Mar 29, 1999  11:31 am
Subject: Tensegrity workshop update

From the Cleargreen web page. Note the new workshop in Boston, May 8th.

Carlos Castaneda's Magical Passes
The Active Side of Infinity: The View from the Left Body
Tensegrity and Recapitulation Workshop Series

April 24 Boston, Massachusetts
May 8 Portland, Oregon
June 5 & 6 Barcelona, Spain
June 12 & 13 Buenos Aires, Argentina

The active side of infinity is the name given by the shamans of ancient Mexico to the part of the universe composed of vibratory energy that is aware of itself. Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui shaman from Sonora, Mexico, and heir to the knowledge of those shamans, told his student, Carlos Castaneda, that their meeting had been ruled by this vibratory force. He called it intent.

"What put you and me together," he went on, "was the intent of infinity. It is impossible to determine what this intent of infinity is, yet it is there, as palpable as you and I are. Sorcerers say that it is a tremor in the air…"

He said that this tremor in the air was the vibratory energy of the left body. According to shamans, he said, a human being is made of the left body and the right body. The entire goal of shamanism is to liberate the mysterious, undulating energy of the left body so that it can act in harmony with the rotational, routine energy of the right body, rather than under its dominion.
Accomplishing this, don Juan said, meant entering the active side of infinity. He said that this entry began by collecting an album of memorable events. It was called an album, he said, because it consisted of events in the shaman's life which he would be in the thick of "for a lifetime and perhaps beyond, but not quite personally." He added that an integral part of collecting such an album was the recapitulation: which consisted of a thorough review of one's life, coupled with a specific breathing technique.
In this series of workshops, instructors will guide participants to practice the recapitulation and other magical passes that awaken the left body. Magical passes are bodily movements that the shamans of don Juan's lineage discovered while in states called dreaming, and practiced in their daily awareness for their astounding effect on perception and well-being. The magical passes were taught for generations to shaman initiates and were taught to Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar and Carol Tiggs by don Juan Matus.
Participants will also practice a form of the Series for Preparing Intent, described in the book Magical Passes, and a series for abstract affection. Abstract affection, shamans say, is the affection of the left body in harmony with the right body; it links us with the intent of infinity.

All workshops sponsored by Cleargreen.

Workshop in Boston:
Co-sponsored by Omega Institute
$125, due by April 16
Register online,
or by contacting Omega Institute
Fax: 914/266-3769
Omega Institute 260 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Cancellation fee: $35 on or before
April 14
Omega tuition credit only if cancelled after April 14. No credit or
refund for cancellation one day prior to workshop

Workshop in Portland:
Co-sponsored by NW Navigators
$125, due by April 26
Register online,
or by contacting NW Navigators
E-mail: intent@p...
NW Navigators c/o The Herb Trader
6204-B NE Highway 99
Vancouver, WA 98665
Cancellation fee: $15 on or before April
28, $30 after

Workshop in Barcelona:
$365 before May 10; $410 after
Co-sponsored by Instituto Cosmobiotico
Register by contacting:
34 (93) 202-1335
34 (93) 202-1685
34 (93) 202-2092 fax
e-mail: cosmobio@m...
U.S. Registrations:
Register online, or by contacting Cleargreen:
Cancellation fee: $35 on or before May 21,
$50 after
Registrations outside the U.S. begin Monday,
March 1

Workshop in Buenos Aires
$285 before May 10; $315 after
Co-sponsored by NAUTA
Register by contacting:
54 (11) 4334-1977 (also fax)
54 (11) 4334-1972 (also fax)
54 (11) 4331-7722 (also fax)
Email: nauta@i...
U.S. Registrations:
Register online, or by contacting Cleargreen:
Cancellation fee: $25 on or before May 28,
$50 after
Registrations outside the U.S. begin Monday,
March 1

From:  Judy Brown <JBROWN@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Date:  Tue May 11, 1999  9:18 am
Subject: Reflections on the Portland Workshop

Springtime is beautiful in the Northwest, the flowers were in bloom everywhere. It was easy to "embrace the earth with affection" in Portland.

It was a special workshop with an intimate feel. Reni, Miles and Darian made the trio of workshop leaders who helped set an intent for all practitioners, the intent to "dream ourselves here and here". To intend to be in two places at one time, consciously. They showed us exercises to do each morning and each evening to help with this intent.

We were also told to "dream each other as the mystery they really are". To release our expectations and preconceived ideas of each other. The quote from the Wheel of Time on the workshop agenda was "personal history must be constantly renewed by telling parents, relatives and friends every thing one does. On the other hand, for the warrior who has no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry or disillusioned with his acts.
And above all, no one pins him down with their thoughts and their expectations"

Dreaming the mystery you are,


From:  "she ." <she__@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Date:  Fri May 14, 1999  11:42 am
Subject: Re: Reflections on the Portland Workshop

There are descriptions of these excercises on the Four Winds website. The Morning Pass is on the seminar schedule from Portland, at the bottom. The Gazings can be found on both the Portland and Boston, and Pomona notes. They have varied a little bit from seminar to seminar. Thus, it becomes obvious that the finer details vary.

In the last workshop, for example, during the Mixing the Energy of the Left and Right Bodies with the Eyes, Renata left out the part where you open your mouth, there was no pulling of the eyebrows to start the pass, and she only directed us to look past our left hands to infinity at the end of the section with the shimmering fingers extended from the left shoulder, just like Pomona. Whereas in Boston we gazed past the hand to infinity throughout the left hand movement. Anyhow, they asked us to practice the one pass from the morning and the gazings in the evening.


Carlos Castaneda's Magical Passes
The Active Side of Infinity: The View from the Left Body
A Recapitulation and Tensegrity Workshop
Portland, Oregon - May 8, 1999

"Personal history must be constantly renewed by telling parents, relatives, and friends everything one does. On the other hand, for the warrior who has no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry or disillusioned with his acts. And above all, no one pins him down with their thoughts and expectations." The Wheel of Time

Instructors: Renata Murez, Darien Donner, and Miles Reid

(note: as usual, this is not the exact schedule, only the outline as it was given on paper)
10a.m. to 12:30
Intending Abstract Affection: One
The Warrior's Stance
The Areas of Mystery Gazing Form
Intending Abstract Affection: Two
Stirring Energy on the Left and the Right Body
Defying Gravity
Mixing Energy from the Left and the Right Body
Intending Abstract Affection: One and Two
Steps in Nature
The Areas of Mystery Gazing Form
The Warrior's Stance

2:30 - 5 p.m.
Intending Abstract Affection: Three
The Warrior's Stance
Stirring Energy on the Left and the Right Body
Defying Gravity
Mixing Energy from the Left and the Right Body
Intending Abstract Affection: Three and Four
Defying Gravity
Mixing the Energy of the Left and the Right Body with the Eyes
A Warrior's Gesture of Magical Intent
The Warrior's Stance
Intending Abstract Affection:  Five

We were also shown a couple of simple passes not on the handout. One was to be done in the morning.Â

Pass for Dreaming a New Day
It is accompanied by the intent to recognise the new day as a dream unfolding now, and also so that we recognise other beings for the mysterious creatures that they are, seeing that they are a new dream also in the present moment. The pass starts by making a circle on the crown of the head with a hand, (doesn't matter which hand) eyes are closed, then visualise a string which runs from the top of your head into infinity.Â

Pass for Dispelling Unwanted Thoughts
Place all the fingers of a hand on the midpoint above the brows. Rub that spot with all of the fingers circling. Visualise all of the unwanted thoughts being drawn out by pulling on a string that you extend out from that mid-point between the brows. Once you have done that simply toss the thoughts away.

The Areas of Mystery Gazing Form

Choose a spot on the horizon in front of you at eye level, the move a little above that. Allow the spot to draw you towards it.
Open eyes wide
Close them shut
Open with soft gaze

Close eyes
With both hands, gently rub temples
With right hand, rub mid-point above brows gently, only rub upward, a few times.
With right hand, circle on top of head at crown point a few times

Open eyes
Gaze at horizon
Move gaze up, up, up without moving the head

(the next part is familiar to those who know the Seer's Search)

Starting at that high point, move eyes peripherally to the right slowly, while gazing into infinity, when you reach the right simply tap your gaze there and then begin slowly gazing back to center as if drawing a pennant-shaped flag. Do this two more times, each time moving down until you reach the original point just above horizon level.

Close eyes
Place hands on temples,
Place left hand on mid-point above brows
Place left hand on crown of head

Open eyes
Gaze at horizon,
Move gaze up, up, up
Do the same drawing of the flags as you did on the right except when you reach the far left each time, pause there a little longer as you gaze into infinity.

When you reach the horizon point again, allow it to pull you again, and gaze into it, but at the same time feel/see a string that extends from the top of the head up to infinity. After holding these two points for a few moments, break the gaze by looking away

Intending Abstract Affection: Three

Exhale with flat of hands at sides and facing the Earth. Allow shoulders to relax at same time.
Place hands on knees

Inhale energy from the Earth up to knees then bring hands all the way up body and reach above head while next reaching as high as possible standing momentarily on toes.
Move arms out to sides and down while exhaling
When they are again on the knees begin another inhalation and repeat the first sectioon to bring arms up above head, around, and down again.

Inhale up to shoulders
When hands are at shoulders begin a long exhalation that starts by:
grabbing at the left shoulder while reaching and standing on extended left leg for a moment, then extend right arm from shoulder and right leg, then extend left side (arm from shoulder, and leg), then right side again, all of that with the same exhalation.
Then bring arms down to brush the hands on vital centers in front.