The Warrior's Stand
Preparatory movements
Do these once at the beginning. If you repeat the group of passes, you can skip the preparatory movements before the repetitions.
1. Dusting the link to intent:
Extend L arm in front of you, palm up. Place R hand on L shoulder, palm up, and brush down to the hand, back up to shoulder, back down to hand. Extend R arm in front and brush with L hand, same.
2. Rub hands together vigorously many times to work up some heat, Immediately place them on your cheeks then rub up to temples, top of head, down the back of head to the neck, then fling hands down with a hard flick - you're throwing off the unwanted stuff you've wiped off. Your hands are now in front but off to the sides somewhat.
3. Now shake hands vigorously to work up a good buzz feeling (this is the feeling of the energy body, one of the instructors said...) Stop for a moment and feel the buzz.
4. Lift L foot off ground and shake vigorously, then same with the R foot (like in the Winged Being pass from Ontario, summer 1998) Pivot on toes (not heels) many times, then...
5. Bring arms out, up, around the front with palms facing, and...
<<<<TURN THE BODY ON!!!>>>>
The Warrior's Stand
1. Intent pass #3 (Grinding Energy by a Sideways Slide of the Feet) - go L: Heel - Toe - Heel - Toe - Heel - Toe. Go R Toe - Heel - Toe - Heel - Toe - Heel.
2. Intent pass #5 (Mixing Energy by Striking the Ground with the Heels Three Times) - 1,2,3, pause, 1,2,3
3. Intent pass #6 (Scoop w/ L, scoop w/ R)
4. Intent #10 (Lifting Energy from the Soles of the Feet) L, R
5. Intent pass #7 (L Knee to the right, R Knee to the left)
6. Modified Heat pass #25 (Grabbing Energy from the Shoulders and Smashing It on the Centers of Vitality) coupled with the knee movements above: R hand grab from L shoulder, bring to right side, then punch left to the centers of vitality area (in front and off to the side somewhat) while simultaneously bringing up L knee and twisting torso somewhat. Same on the other side.
7. Intent #18 (Stirring up Energy for the Adrenals) - Bring hands to the knees and bending forward, stretching shoulders, L, R
8. Intent #17 (Rolling Energy on the Adrenals) - L,R,L - R,L,R
9. Intent #22 (The Half-Circle of Energy) L,R,L,R
10. Intent #24 (Kneading Energy w/ a Push of the Shoulder Blades) L,R,L,
11. Intent #23 (Stirring Energy Around the Neck) on the LEFT side - Bring hands in front, R on top, palms facing, big INHALE. Turn L and long EXHALE as you fan the head LR, LR, LR
12. Return to front (INHALE) and repeat Kneading Energy w/ a Push of the Shoulder Blades (EXHALE) 1,2,3
13. Intent #23 (Stirring Energy Around the Neck) on the RIGHT side - Bring hands in front, R on top, palms facing, big INHALE. Turn R and EXHALE as you fan the head LR, LR, LR
14. Return to front (INHALE) and repeat Kneading Energy w/ a Push of the Shoulder Blades (EXHALE) 1,2,3
15. Intent #30 (Gathering Energy from the Front of the Body Right Above the Head) - Cross arms in front at the wrists w/ palms facing in, then swivel fists inward, down, and around to point the rest as in the book.
Then gather left arm in and shoot diagonally up to the right and perform...
16. Modified Intent #32 (Mixing Energy of the Left and the Right) with a leg movement added: when each arm is completing the large circle, bring the corresponding leg (same as the arm) up too with a bent knee and foot pointing down (same as Intent # 8). Arm will be bent at elbow w/ fist pointing up, and leg will be bent at knee w/ foot pointing down.
17. Intent #26 (Reaching for Energy Stirred Below the Knees) Step/jump Left and reach for energy below... and wipe onto L centers for vitality starting in front, and going around the back to the kidney/adrenals area. Then R (same)
18. Intent #32 (Reaching for Energy Above the Head) Jump up and reach w/ L hand for Energy Above the Head... and wipe onto L centers for vitality starting in front, and going around the back to the kidney/adrenals area. Then R (same)
The Warrior’s Stand - Different Notes
Preparatory movements (recommended for morning use and the first repetition of the day):
A. Perform "Dusting The Link With Intent", left, right. (The edge of the right hand brushes the extended left arm from shoulder to fingertips, back to the shoulder, back to the hand. Mirror.)
B. Rub the palms together biskly at chest level for several seconds. Spread the energy from the eyebrows back over the top of the head to the back of the neck. Inhale deeply, then fling the palms to the sides of the hips as if drying off water--let the jaw drop easily and emit whatever sound comes out. Pause briefly, then shake both hands vigorously on loose wrists for several seconds. Pause and feel the tingle in the fingertips. Lift and shake the left foot briefly, then the right.
C. Perform "Grinding Energy With The Balls Of The Feet" by pivoting the heels left to righft from the balls of the feet, engaging the arms. Perform for several seconds.
"Turn on" the body and:
1. Perform "Grinding Energy By A Sideways Slide Of The Feet" for a three count left, then a three count right, engaging the arms.
2. Perform two three counts of "Mixing Energy By Striking The Floor With The Heels".
3. Perform one set of "Gathering Energy With The Soles Of The Feet And Moving It Up The Inner Legs", left, then right.
4. Perform "Lifting Energy From The Soles Of The Feet" on the left, then right.
5. Perform one set of "Stirring Energy With The Knees", left, then right, pivoting on the planted foot.
6. The right hand grabs energy at the left shoulder, then the abdominals pull the right elbow back behind the right hip; as the fist strikes slightly down across the left vital center, the left knee stirs the energy by coming up to the right. As the feet reset, the left hand begins to mirror. Do twice.
7. Perform one set of "Stirring Up Energy For The Adrenals"; inhale as the arms sweep around to the knees, then exhale as the left knee/elbow go forward, inhale back, exhale as the right knee/elbow go forward.
8. Inhale deeply as the arms sweep around to perform "Rolling Energy On The Adrenals" for a three count.
9. Perform "The Half-Circle Of Energy", left-right-left. The right hand begins as the left hand, wrist pulled back tight, slowly completes its half circle.
10. Immediately perform "Kneading Energy With A Push Of The Shoulder Blades", right-left-right.
11. Immediately bring the hands in front of the chest in position for "Stirring Energy Around The Neck", right palm on top, turning to face left. Perform "Kneading Energy With A Push Of The Shoulder Blades", left-right-left, and complete "Stirring Energy Around The Neck" on right.
12. Immediately begin "Gathering Energy From The Front Of the Body And Right Above The Head" (aka Cleansing The Lungs).
13. Perform one set of "Mixing The Energy Of The Left And Right Bodies"; left, then right. Inhale as the hand strikes up and grabs, exhale as the fist is pulled over, inhale as the arm circles and the knee is raised, exhale as the feet reset and the energy is applied to the vital center, smeared front to back.
14. Perform "Reaching For Energy Stirred Below The Knees". Grab once left, once right. The energy is applied to the vital center, smeared front to back.
15. Perform one set of "Reaching For Energy Above The Head", left, then right. The energy is applied to the vital center, smeared front to back.
Intending A New View
a short form of The Stand
Dust link to intent, Left, Right.
Hands side by side palm up in front of vital centers, inhale. Draw the wheel of time on Right, then on Left, Inhale.
Exhale, grasping the wheel of time top and bottom and turning it slightly (R hand on top, L on bottom, turn is clockwise). Spread "wings", extending arms out to sides, opening chest area, leaning a little forward.
Say, "INTENT."
The Saber-Toothed Tiger Breath - Long Form
1. Take a normal inhalation as you stand erect, arms at sides, fingers curled slightly in toward the body, palms up. Exhale completely through the middle fingers as the wrists pull back gently so that the fingers point away from the body, palms down.
2. The hands become claws and gather energy several times inwards at waist level, the body becoming more crouched and ready to pounce with each scoop.
3. Exhale as the claws push across to the opposite side of the body at shoulder level, R-L-R-L, then inhale as the R crosses over again.
4. Leading with the left claw and right foot, take 3 steps forward as you claw forward at arm's length and shoulder level.
5. Bring up the left foot, and make similar swipes from stance, R-L-R-L.
6. Pivot on the left foot to face left, while bringing the left claw, palm forward and in front of face, forcefully horizontally across the face and then down to the left hip, making a fierce cat hissing noise.
7. Pivot again on the left foot to face the original rear as the right claw comes over the shoulder on the inhale, then claws back to the right hip while making the cat noise.
8. Make two medium speed swipes horizontally across the face, L-R, followed immediately by two sets of faster swipes, making a cat noise for each swipe.
9. Turn on the body. Pant audibly through the mouth 4 times. With cat noise, claw repeatedly down an imaginary wall in front of the body for a few seconds. Kick-step forward from the right hip, not snapping the knee, while making a short cat noise. Mirror left. Repeat the "wall clawing", then the steps. Turn on the body.
10. Hop to face the original direction, landing in a turned on stance with the left foot leading slightly, so that the body is facing a slight angle to the right. Make a quick step with the right foot to the left side in front (the body describes an arc), then back. Curl both claws and the toes of the left foot inward twice as you set to attack- - -
11. The left foot steps forward, and the right foot comes up behind, like a fencing step. Simultaneously, the right claw, then the left, claw to the front in rapid succession - the number and duration of these clawing movements was left up to individual discretion. Take another step/claw immediately after the first.
12. With the body still facing at an angle to the right, lean the upper torso to the left (the original forward direction) and reach out with the left claw and snag the prey. Bring the right claw around and snag the prey a few inches above the left. Quickly reverse the angle of the upper torso and arms so that the prey is thrown behind you, claws opening as the prey is released, making a cat noise. Momentarily watch the flight of the prey to infinity.
13. As the body turns to face the original front, the left hand reforms a claw as it arcs down across the body to a position by the left hip, palm back, upper arm parallel to the floor. The right claw goes to a similar position, but by coming up over the shoulder. This was described as "clearing out the sides". The body then returns to a turned-on, ready to pounce stance, then- - -
14. Run forward a few steps and leap up, pausing briefly as you grab the prey, then dragging the prey from in front of and above the head down to the ground with an increasing-intensity cat noise. You should land with the right foot in front, and end up almost kneeling on the left knee.
15. Stand and pivot to the left on the left foot, as the left claw drags up the side to a sort of "scarecrow with arms down" position, making a cat noise. Pivot to the right on the left foot as the right claw mirrors, to face the original direction, making a cat noise.
16. Returning to the ready to pounce stance, the claws gather energy in a few small circles in front of the abdomen. Again an imaginary wall in front is clawed, with tapering swipes (from overhead to waist level) and accordingly diminishing cat noise.
17. Still ready to pounce, step forward with the right foot, open claws pointing forward, then pivot 180 degrees, stand erect, drop the hands and walk away.
Mystery Form - Left Body Areas of Mystery
1. Sit on mat, legs outstretched in front of you. Perform "A": Place hand on abdomen, R hand above it. Miles actually said you can place left hand above below or on your will area. If 'on' then right hand is directly on top of it. Inh deeply, exh. Move fingers to sternum. Place fingertips along either side of center line on chest and vibrate them.
2. Inh. While exh, move hands to in front of you, waist level, palm down (as though placed on a table). Watch your hands. 2 inward circles (circling toward the center at the top of the circle, or in this case, the edge of the circle farthest from the body). Inh. 3 inward circles. Slide palms to knees. The L hand vibrates the L kneecap.
3. Perform "B": Lightly drag the energy to vital centers and vibrate there with fingers pressing under ribs, and exhale. inh. Exh. and press vital centers without vibrating. Exh.
4. Perform "A".
5. Inh. Palms down and flat out to sides, circle 2 times outward while exh. Inh. 3 outward circles at sides. Slide heels of palms down sides of legs to ankle knobs. L fingers vibrate just below L knob. Perform "C": Lightly drag energy to knees, rest hands over knees. On L, ring finger naturally falls on a fleshy spot. Vibrate there with fingertips. Slide hands to sides of thighs. A natural depression in the thigh about halfway up on side: vibrate there with fingers on L.
6. Perform "B."
7. Perform "A."
8. Inh. Exh while circling hands back, up, over head to front, palms down again as on a table. Continue exh while sliding L palm-R palm forward (as though on a table) 2 times (L, R, L, R). Inh. Exh as you slide palms to sides 3 times L, R, L, R, L, R coming back to center each time. Continue exh as you slide the wrist tendon canal down front of leg to ankle, placing index and middle fingers in the hollows at the front bases of the ankles. Pop up the tendons there by lifting the big toes. Vibrate the L one.
9. Perform "C." Perform "A."
10. Place R fingertips (index, middle) into hollow in L upper arm where tricep meets bone (middle of outer side somewhere). Disperse the energy by circling L arm with R fingers still pressing, L elbow bent about 90 degrees at shoulder level, hand in front of chest loosely palm down, circle from shoulder blade forward, down, back, 3 times.
11. Do a quick version of the teflon ball passes for the head. Vibrate temples, 3rd eye, top of head w right hand. Then just touch each of those areas w left hand.
12. Take your L foot. Tap on the sole: heel (with pinky), just below ball of foot in hollow (with ring finger), and on center of ball of foot (with index finger), once each.
13. Perform the first wheel of time leg movement, pumping energy then holding in close to chest on the R, then L. (R hand on R knee, L hand holds R foot. Extend out, circle back under 3 times). Do first with right leg, then with left leg.
14. Extend legs, shake them. Rub the kidneys (in back). Place the energy on the vital centers in front with hands.
Recapitulate. If lying down, use raised knees and L hand on abdomen.
The Wheel Of Time - The Left Body Breathing Form
Start with (implied) wheel in left hand. Hands at low sides ready to come up in front and form A-frame. Inhale, back straight. Exhale as you make the A-frame with wheel in left hand. Feel the exhalation in your midsection. Your body becomes round like a wheel of time. Inhale straightening your back and now insinuate wheel into right hand and do the same exhalation down into A-frame.
Right Side Circling And Knee Flicking
Grab right knee with right hand and ball of right foot with left hand. Inhale and make 3 forward rolling motions circling your foot. As you place left foot on right ankle area, exhale hunching with foot off floor and close to body. Exhalation is done close to left side of right knee. Then, with hands in same position, inhale as you flick right knee outward 3 times,(the instructors always counted to 3 at least, even if they made 4 or 5 motions, how left-body!), then hunch again and exhale, foot always off floor, exhale off to right side of body. Holding wheel horizontally in left hand,(right hand flat palm facing left hand) inhale as you move wheel to left, where you bend your wrist even more to left. Exhale as you hunch over with wheel held in position. Inhale as you transfer implied wheel to right hand, then mirror what you did on left.
Left Side Circling And Knee Flicking
-do the same leg movements as above but on the left side.
The Wheel In Right Hand - Palm Up
Next, hold wheel in right hand, palm facing up, left hand facing right hand. Inhale as you stretch right side of body and watch wheel as it circles upward. At top point keep head straight while you gaze back to infinity with your eyes, then exhale as you slowly hunch down and bring wheel to midsection, continue exhale all the way on left side, gazing into infinity on left of body.
Right Leg To Groin
Inhale as you grab ball of right foot of extended right leg,with left hand wrapping around foot. Right hand is placed above on right side of toes, Bring foot to groin with arm wrapped around outside of leg as you begin to exhale hunched at groin.
The Wheel In Left Hand - Palm Up
-do the same arm movements as above but at the end when you breathe and gaze to the right, it is just a 'tap' of a gaze on the right side.
Left Leg To Groin
-same as above but use left foot.
The Wheel In Right Hand - Palm Up
Again, hold wheel in right hand, palm facing up, left hand facing right hand. Inhale as you stretch right side of body and watch wheel as it circles upward. At top point keep head straight while you gaze back to infinity with your eyes, then exhale as you slowly hunch down and bring wheel to midsection, continue exhale all the way on left side, gazing into infinity on left of body.
Stirring The Energy Of The Left And Right Body
For all of these movements, the left side is slow and precise, the right side fast and vigorous. These passes are aimed at a circular core or disk of energy that extends from below the groin to about chest level. When the left hand strikes, it goes to the lower edge of this core. When the right hand strikes, it goes to the upper edge. When the left knee is raised, it goes only to the lower edge--the back is rounded and the foot is held suspended for several seconds. When the right knee is raised, it goes as high as it can, and the toe points to the ground:
1. The left hand performs "Gathering Energy in a Ball From the Front of the Left and Right Bodies and Breaking It With The Back of the Hand". As the left hand breaks the gathered energy, the left foot slides a step to the side, the right following slowly. Pause as the left hand retrieves to the left hip. As the right hand breaks the gathered energy, step quickly right to the original position.
2. The left hand performs "Gathering Energy Of The Left and Right Bodies In A Circle Which Is Perforated With The Tips Of The Fingers". As the fingers perforate slowly the first time, the left foot slides up a step. On the second perforation the elbow "opens up", causing the entire arm and hand to vibrate as it moves forward. As the right hand perforates the first time, the knee is raised, toe pointed, and the right foot steps forward on the second.
3. The left leg and arm perform "Hoisting Left and Right Energy Upward", the back rounding as the foot is held suspended, the left palm facing the knee. The left foot steps forward as it descends. The knee raises as the right steps forward.
4. The arms are raised into the "High Push With the Fists". The left fist is loose a bit below the horizontal; the right fist is tight and perfectly level. As the left foot slides forward, the left fist strikes to the front, not crossing the midpoint. The right foot steps as the right fist strikes forward.
5. The feet come parallel. The fists drop to waist level, palms facing, to begin "A Low Push With the Fists". As the left elbow punches slowly foward, engaging the abdominals, the left foot slides back. The left elbow is retrieved. As the right fist punches forward, the right foot steps back even.
6. The hands become leopard paws as the hands perform "A Wheel With the Fingers Contracted At the Middle Joints"--begin with the left, held loosely by the left hip. As the back rounds and the body twists slightly to the right, the left claw arcs slowly up to a position in front of the face. The right claw arcs forcefully from the shoulder as the left returns to the left hip. Perform twice.
7. Following the hand with the eyes, the left arm pivots back from the shoulder twice and performs "Hitting Energy In Front Of The Face With An Upper Thrust Of The Fist". The back is rounded, foot lifted, loose fist held by the knee. The left foot steps forward as it descends. Finish right, knee raised as it steps.
8. The left hand performs "Drawing Two Outward Circles of Energy and Smashing Them By The Navel" , the left hand followed by the eyes as it makes one and 2/3 backwards circles, then slowly vibrates to a point just left of the centerline at solar plexus level, palm facing right. The left foot slides forward as the arm strikes. The right arm circles back quickly, and the right foot steps forward without raising the knee as it makes a forceful strike to a similar position.
9. The left hand performs "Drawing Two Circles of Energy Laterally With The Index and Middle Fingers Extended". The fingers are held loosely as the left knee is raised, the body rounded, and the fingers scoop deeply down to the left side and end with a loosely held fist, middle knuckle extended, by the knee. The left foot steps as it descends. The right knee is raised as the right completes the movement.
10. The loose left fist slowly strikes down to the sides, palm forward, then slowly circles up for "Stirring The Energy Around The Temples". The fist contacts the temple as the back is arched slightly, then the left foot slides forward as the fist slowly arcs down as far as possible behind the left hip, eyes following. The right mirrors forcefully, stepping on the last downward strike.
This series has three accompanying breaths:
1. Offering The Breath
2. Moving Energy with the Breath from the Top of the Head to the Vital Centers
3. The Altitude Breath
It is followed by the First Gazing technique.
The Gazing Technique Which Follows Stirring The Energy Of The Left And Right Body
These movements were shown both sitting and standing.
Preparatory Movements:
A. The thumbs and index fingers gently tug downward on the earlobes a few times. They then gently pull the lobes away from the head a few times.
B. The tops of the ears are gently pulled up by the fingers a few times.
C. The thumbs are placed behind the ears, the rest of the fingers resting on the spots of mystery on the crown of the head. The thumbs rub upwards a few times, and on the final time they and the fingers leave the head with a flicking motion.
D. The thumbs and index fingers gently pull the flesh of the eyebrows away from the skull, making their way from the bridge to the temples. The thumbs are rubbed together vigorously, and the heat spread across the brows on the same path, a few times.
E. The index fingers are rubbed together vigorously, and the heat spread across the cheeks from the sides of the nose to below the temples, a few times.
F. Rub the last two joints of all the fingers together vigorously. Rub the heat from the cheeks by the ears to the temples a few times.
The Gazing:
1. Find a spot on the horizon ahead, adjust slightly up. Open the eyes wide, shut them tight, open them half-lidded or "soft".
2. Taking everything in, without turning the head, follow the horizon with the gaze slowly all the way to the left. Slowly retrace back to the center and continue on all the way to the right. Slowly return to the center.
3. Taking everything in, without moving the head, follow a diagonal line 45 degrees up to the left slowly as far as possible. Continue across the top of the inverted triangle all the way to the right, then down the right diagonal to the center. Roll the eyes right a few times, then left. Follow the gaze straight up without moving the head, then back. Eyes open, shut, soft gaze.
4. Exhale as the body loosely folds forward at the waist, inhale as the fists are raised above the head in "touchdown" position, then gently relax to a position at the level of the eyes. The wrists are fairly loose.
5. Turning the eyes only, look at the left fist, then the left elbow, center. Mirror right. Gazing ahead, repeat the sequence using only the peripheral vision. Drop the fists to the sides. Intend to see them still there with your peripheral vision.
6. Repeat 4. Turning the eyes only, watch the left fist perform "The Up and Down Pressure" from the Heat Series. Mirror right. Repeat using only peripheral vision.
7. Repeat 4. Repeat 6 but perform "The Inward Turn".
8. Repeat 4. Repeat 6 but perform "The Outward Turn".
9. Again fold forward as you exhale, inhale up to normal stance, gazing at the horizon. Intend for the point to pull you.
10. Break the gaze.
Mixing The Energy Of The Left And Right Body
For all of these movements, the left side is slow and precise, the right side fast and vigorous. These passes are aimed at a circular core or disk of energy that extends from below the groin to about chest level. When the left hand strikes, it goes to the lower edge of this core. When the right hand strikes, it goes to the upper edge. When the left knee is raised, it goes only to the lower edge--the back is rounded and the foot is held suspended for several seconds. When the right knee is raised, it goes as high as it can, and the toe points to the ground:
1. The left hand performs "Bunching Necessary Energy and Dispersing Unnecessary Energy". As the left hand returns to the left hip, pause before beginning on the right.
2. The left leg and arm perform "Piling Energy Onto The Left and Right Bodies", retrieving only far enough to make a de facto step forward. The right follows quickly.
3. The right arm performs "Gathering Energy With One Arm and Striking It With The Other", cutting quickly across the front, then the left foot slides slowly up as the heel of the left hand slowly strikes the lower edge of the core. (In this version, the nominal hand is pulled up so that the back of the flat palm is near the opposite cheek; the hand sweeps down and out, and makes the "cut across the opponent's eyes", then the other hand strikes.) The left then slowly cuts across, and the heel of the right hand strikes forcefully forward to the core's upper edge as the right foot steps.
4. The left foot slides slowly at a 45 degree angle to the left for "Gathering Energy With The Arms And Legs". Rock for a count of three and inhale, then grab slowly three times. Hop so that you are 45 degrees right of the ORIGINAL direction, rock and grab three times more briskly with the right hand.
5. The left hand performs "Gathering Energy From One Body And Dispersing It On The Other", as the left foot slides forward, the eyes following the fist all the way back, engaging the abdominals. The right foot steps as the right hand mirrors quickly.
6. Begin "Grabbing Energy From The Shoulders and Smashing It On The Centers Of Vitality", normal speed on both sides. The right hand grabs energy at the left shoulder, then the abdominals pull the right elbow back behind the right hip; as the fist strikes slightly down across the left vital center,the left knee stirs the energy by coming up to the right. As the feet reset, the left hand begins to mirror.
7. The left foot slides up as the arms slowly cross to perform "Pushing Energy Out To The Sides With The Elbows", left arm on top. The right foot quickly steps up even as the arms break forcefully apart; the arms fold again quickly as the right foot steps up; the arms break apart slowly as the left foot slides even.
8. The left foot slides back as the arms slowly cross to perform "Drawing Two Inward Circles of Energy In Front Of The Body And Crushing Them Out To The Sides", left arm closest to the body. The right foot quickly steps back even as the arms break forcefully apart; the arms fold again quickly as the right foot steps back; the arms break apart slowly as the left foot slides even.
9. The fists are brought slowly down to waist level, palms facing, to perform "Striking Energy In Front Of The Body And On The Left And Right With Both Fists". The left foot slides to the left, followed slowly by the right, as the upper torso leans slowly left and the fists strike slowly up on the left diagonal. As the fists come back to the center, the feet slide step quickly right, and the torso and fists quickly complete the right side of the movement.
10. With the fists at the end of 10., the left knee is raised and the fists strike slowly to either side of it at the lower edge of the core to begin "Striking Energy In Front of The Body With Both Fists And On The Left and Right". The torso slowly twists left, and the strike/slap/strike sequence slowly performed, and the fists slowly recenter. The move is completed forcefully and quickly on the right--as the right knee is raised, the fists strike to the top edge of the core.
This series has three accompanying breaths:
1. The Breath For The Upper Fringe Of The Lungs
2. The Lateral Breath
3. The Butterfly Breath
It is followed by the Second Gazing technique.
The Gazing Technuique Which Follows Mixing The Energy Of The Left And Right Body
Preparatory Movements:
The mouth is opened wide. The tongue is stuck out to the right, then left. The tongue is stuck out as far as possible towards the chin as whatever noise comes out is voiced.
The Gazing:
1. Find a spot on the horizon ahead, adjust slightly up. Open the eyes wide, shut them tight, open them half-lidded or "soft". Roll the eyes a few times right, then left.
2. The gaze follows the left hand as it "shimmers" (vibrates) from the left hip slowly across the lower front of the body, then arcs around in a big circle to a point straight out from the left side; it continues to travel at the arm's full extent horizontally in front of the body to the right shoulder. There it becomes a loose still-shimmering claw, and retraces the horizon back to the point straight out from the left side. The gaze looks at the horizon over the shimmering hand for a few moments. The gaze is broken as the eyes return to the front, and the hand drops. The sequence is mirrored on the right except: 1) the hand is steady; 2) the gaze is on the hand; 3) the fist is a tight fist; and 4) the eyes do not look at the horizon to the right--disengage the gaze, center and drop the hand. Perform the sequence (at least?) twice.
3. The left hand, palm up, describes small inverted U-shaped arcs (to palm down) in front of the eyes, fingers wiggling. The gaze goes past the wiggling fingers, tracing the arcs. The arc is made 6 times. The right hand mirrors, except: 1) The hand is a fist; 2) the gaze is on the fist.
4. The hands are brought, wrists pressing together, fingers pointing up, to a point before the chin. Gaze at the hands, gaze up without moving the head and return back to the hands. The hands move to the left hip, twisting so that the left palm faces up. Gaze at the upturned palm. The hands return to the center, gaze up without moving the head as the fingers wiggle; they stop as the gaze returns briefly to the hands. The hands travel to the right hip, right palm up. Gaze at the upturned palm. The hands return to chin level, are gazed at briefly, then back to the left hip. Repeat the sequence twice more, except: 1) on the second return from the left hip, the hands go a few inches higher, about nose level; 2) on the third return from the left hip, they go a bit higher, to about brow level; 3) on the final return from the right hip, the hands are raised above the head and dropped to the sides.
5. Gaze at the horizon. Intend the spot to pull you.
6. Break the gaze.
Rippling The Energy Of The Left Body
The Rippling Energy of the Left Body is, essentially, what used to be called "Shake."
Begin vibrating at soles of the feet...R foot forward. Vibrate up, bit by bit, to hip, switch legs in a little jump. Vibrate up, bit by bit, to hip. Jump to place feet parallel. Continue vibrating on up the body...add arms last. Don't lift your feet off the floor other than the jumps.
The Warrior's Gesture of Magical Intent - Affection for the Earth
Sitting - feet spread, knees out - all movements should be slow and sober.
Start by dusting off the link with intent with your hands pointed at the floor between knees. Dust down the arm, back up and down again. Start with the left arm down, dusting with the right, then dust the right arm with the left. After the second downward stroke on the right arm, bring the left hand back up the right arm to the shoulder. When the left arm has reached the shoulder move it to the left shoulder and bring the right arm up to shoulder height as well. Flip both hands out from the body and bring them down to where the tips of the fingers just touch the earth between the legs in the gesture of offering. As you touch the earth, whisper 'intent.'
Flip both of your hands over to lay the entire hand on the earth with the fingers pointing away from the body and the tips of the thumbs touching, making a 'U' shaped area between the hands. Lean on the hands slightly. Breathe in and out slowly gazing at the earth between your hands.
Release some of the pressure on your hands and move them together first to the right then to the left and back to center, as if you are moving the Wheel of Time between them on the earth.
Draw in a breath as you bring the hands to the 1st disk. Continue breathing in as the right hand only continues up the chest and then breathe out as it traces the right side of the Wheel in front of the body. Bring the left arm up the body and trace the left side of the Wheel. Gaze at the palms as you slowly draw in another breath. Finish the Wheel by drawing the right side, the left side, taking the right hand forward, the left forward, and tracing both sides simultaneously while breathing out the entire time ending with hands together at waist level.
Flip both hands and lay your hands on the earth between your legs again. Again drag fingers back along the ground to the vital organs and up the body. Continuing the movement as you open the wings of affection (both arms spread wide with palms forward). The Wings should be slightly downwards from the shoulders and relaxed.
Bring your hands in at arm's length and hug the space above your legs with the left arm above the right and leaning forward at the same time. Open your Wings again and repeat the hug (either arm on top?) Open the wings wide again. This time, when bringing them together, cross the arms at the forearm and place both palms on the floor. Flip both hands over and uncross your arms and trace a small arc out and up and over so that your hands wind up slightly overlapping back on the floor palms down.
Bring the hands apart slowly gazing at the earth between them. Breathe in and out during this period.
Raise both hands to your shoulders, palms upward. Lift your head and gaze up to infinity. Almost without moving the elbows, bring the hands out from the shoulders and around to the front of the body palms up in the gesture of offering with the fingers pointed to the earth.
(R1) Flip the hands around outwards to the sides of the body and follow through forward with a swimming motion. Lean forward pushing arms out nearly touching with palms outward and then sweep them out and back to sides. Finish the motion by bringing the hands together palms upward in offering and pushing out and then pulling them back towards the body always touching.
Bring the elbows together and draw them into the abdomen and the hands upward. Then, cross the wrists, left arm inside with hands in loose fists. Twist the right hand in and down, pushing the left down and out, then follow through by pushing the right hand under and outside of the left wrist. Pull the arms out firmly to a vertical position (breaking the energy). Deposit the energy on the organs by bringing the hands down to the abdomen.(R2)
Repeat the swimming motion above (R1 through R2) by moving the hands forward, out and around and then offering the energy to infinity, then bringing it in and breaking it and depositing it on the vitals.
Bring the hands up to the shoulders palms upwards and slowly fall back. Extend the arms above the head along the ground and gather the energy from the sides by sweeping down with arms extended to the legs.
Raise the torso back to a sitting position while drawing the hands forward over the vitals and bring them together to offer to the earth. Remember to engage the stomach muscles to in all movements. Lift the hands to the shoulders palms up then reach down to the ground under your back and follow it over to rest on all fours (hands and knees.)
Gazing at the ground, lean forward slightly onto hands and breathe in. Lean back onto legs to breathe out. Twist both hands once inward along ground. Draw the hands back along the ground to the knees while moving the body back, but leaning forward. Extend the arms up behind the body and flip the hands up at the wrist. Using the legs, with arms back, glide left by raising the left side of the body and then turning around and lifting the right side. Lift each side twice.
Bring the torso vertical while bringing the hands around to the offering position. Flip the hands up to the shoulders, palms up while leaning back as far as is comfortable. Lift the head to the heavens and let the jaw drop. Breathe in deeply through the mouth. Twist the body above the waist to the right, left, right, and left again while gazing upwards with hands up.
Drop the hands down to the floor in front returning to all fours. Twist the entire body to the left keeping contact with hands and knees. Twist back to the left paying attention on both twists to compress the stomach muscles. Return to center gazing at earth between hands.
Lift the pressure off the left hand and move it forward slightly, then gently brush outwards and back inwards before returning it even with the other hand. Repeat this motion with the right hand.
Lower yourself down to the floor by straightening the right leg and rolling slightly that direction. As you lay stomach down, bring the left leg up to a approximately 60 degree angle from the body, bent at the knee. At the same time, move the left arm to a comfortable angle out from the body with the elbow bent so your hand is even with your face, which should be facing left, as well.
Left Side (gazing at hand): Trace two circles outward with the hand and leg (from the knee down). Pause and brush the wrist upwards three times while pointing the toes down in unison. Trace two inward circles with the hand and leg. Brush upward three times while pointing the toes again. Pause and close the RIGHT eye. Gaze at the hand with your left eye while scooping the hand inwards at the wrist three times. Mirror this motion with the foot from the ankle. Pause momentarily and then scoop outwards three times, mirroring this with the foot, as well.
Lower the leg and raise the arm to turn head to the right. Bring the leg up and arm down to the same position as the left side.
Right Side (gazing at hand): Trace two circles outward with the hand and leg (from the knee down). Pause and brush the wrist upwards three times while pointing the toes down in unison. Trace two inward circles with the hand and leg. Brush upward three times while pointing the toes again. Pause and close the RIGHT eye. Gaze at the hand with your left eye while scooping the hand inwards at the wrist three times. Mirror this motion with the foot from the ankle. Pause momentarily and then scoop outwards three times, mirroring this with the foot, as well.
Lower the leg and raise the arm to turn to the center. Looking forward (upwards), bring both legs together firmly. Tighten the buttocks, thighs and calves and raise your head slightly off the floor. Brush both wrists upward three times. "Swim" with the arms and legs three times by lifting the arms off the floor, palms down, and moving up from the shoulders, out and down the body, then back up and doing a frog kick with the legs. Finish with the palms up and hands near the waist.
Raise the arms up behind the body and raise the legs at the knees. Let the hands hang loosely from your upraised arms. Roll side to side with arms and legs up, 'flying.' Do this several times each direction.
Lower the body back to the ground and turn the head to the left. Relax completely into the earth. Breathe in and out once slowly, gazing into infinity. Turn the head to the right and repeat the breaths in and out. Intend to sink into the earth.
Bring your right hand over your head for leverage and turn over slowly, watching the left hand as it passes in front of the eyes and over. Gaze into the sky with your arms out at the shoulders, elbows bent upwards, palms up in loose fists.
Bring the hands in and touch the shoulders. Inhale in this position. (R3) Raise both arms straight up, stretching the body completely and pointing the toes. Exhale through this motion and while bringing the arms out and down to the legs. Mimic the motion of the arms with the feet, moving only at the ankles. When the hands reach the legs, bring the hands up the front of the body on each side brushing lightly with the fingertips while inhaling slowly and pointing the toes upwards slowly. (R4) When you reach the shoulders, pause and then repeat the motion again twice (from R3 to R4).
After three repetitions, raise only the left hand from the shoulder while stretching out the left foot. Bring the left hand back down to the shoulder and repeat the motion with the right side. Do this one more time on each side. (Two sets on each side total) Exhale throughout the four repetitions.
From the shoulders, move the arms outwards and then gather energy by moving them into the air over the chest and stomach to end with the hands above the stomach with the fingers pointing toward the abdomen. At the same time, raise the legs into the air above the groin with knees bent, moving the left leg first.
Trace a ball over the top of your stomach while lowering the legs so that the knees are still in the air, but the feet are on the ground, left leg first. Compress the energy above the stomach by bringing your arms in twice with hands open and fingers pointed up like you are pushing on the sides of the ball you just drew.
Reach both arms into the area directly above the stomach and grab and 'tear' outward with the hands in fists, taking the arms to full extension at shoulder level while lowering the knees to the sides of the body, feet together, left leg first.
Bring the hands back in and place the palms on the 1st disk and spread the energy down toward the groin. Simultaneously straightening the legs, left leg first.
Bring arms up crossed in front of the face, palms upward, and pull the hands apart while gazing between the hands at the sky. Draw the right side of the Wheel in the air, draw the left side.
Pause with the hands together and then grab the Wheel, right hand on top, and turn slightly. Bring the hands to the chest and spread the energy and open the arms wide. Lay them on the ground at shoulder height with palms up.
Relax and gaze for a time.
Note form:
Sitting “ feet spread, knees out
Start by dusting off the link with intent with hands pointed at floor
between legs
Up right arm
both arms up and over to offer to touch earth
as you touch, whisper 'intent'
flip hands, palms and fingers on earth
breath in
breath out
trace wheel of time right and left with palms and fingers in contact
with earth
breathe in drawing hands toward and up to 1st disk
right hand continues to draw right side of wheel
left hand up and draws left side of wheel
gaze at palms breath in
right side
left side
right forward
left forward
both sides
palms down on earth
draw hands back with breath
open wings of affection
hug with left arm above and reopen
hug with right? arm above and reopen
palms down with arms crossed
flip palms up and arc
Bring down with right on top slightly
spread hands apart slowly – gazing between
Hands to shoulders with palms up
Gaze at the sky with hands up
Bring hands down and around to offer to earth
Hands to shoulders with palms up
Move arms out and scoop to front and follow through with swimming motion
forward with palms out and scoop behind bringing hands together to
Offer forward
Pull elbows back to stomach and hands up
Cross arms
Twist arms
Fists out
Swim with palms out and scoop behind
Offer forward hands together
Pull elbows back to stomach
Cross arms
Twist arms
Fists out
Hands to 1st disk
Hands up to shoulders and
lean back and gather full extension arms up and out and around
pull up with stomach while bringing hands along 1st disk
offer to the earth
hands pull up the body to shoulders
turn over using right hand
stand on hands and knees
lean forward and breathe in
lean back and breathe out
flip both hands in once
move weight to knees and draw arms back and lift behind the body
flip wrists up
glide left, right, left, right
bring hands around body sitting up and offer forwards
bring hands to shoulders and lean back and gaze at sky
mouth open and breathe in through mouth
twist left, right, left, right with hands at shoulders
back to hands and knees
move body left
move body right
center – gaze to earth
weight off of left hand and it goes forward
brush out
brush in
hand back
weight off of right hand and it goes forward
brush out
brush in
hand back
down to floor (right leg first) rolling onto right side slightly to
extend left arm and left leg
turn head left
Left side:
two circles with hand and foot outward
three times brushing wrists and pointing toes
two circles with hand and foot inward
three times brushing wrists and pointing toes
close right eye
three scoops of hand and foot inward
three scoops of hand and foot outward
switch sides.
Right side:
two circles with hand and foot outward
three times brushing wrists and pointing toes
two circles with hand and foot inward
three times brushing wrists and pointing toes
close right eye
three scoops of hand and foot inward
three scoops of hand and foot outward
Center the head and straighten the body
Bring legs together and tighten
Brush both wrists upward three times
Swim with arms and legs three times, head up, hands gliding over floor
End with hands down, palms up
Legs up at knee
Raise arms and glide left, right ,left, right
Body flat on ground, arms down and palms up
Head left
Breathe in and out, sinking into the earth
Head right
Breathe in and out, sinking into the earth
Bring right hand over head for leverage
Gaze at left hand as you turn over
Ending with you laying on back with legs extended
Gaze at sky
Hands above head in loose fists, elbows bent
Touch shoulders inhale
1 Both arms up and stretch whole body including feet
Out and down with arms, circling with feet exhale
Draw hands up from 1st disk to shoulders inhale
2 Both arms up and stretch whole body including feet
Out and down with arms, circling with feet exhale
Draw hands up from 1st disk to shoulders inhale
3 Both arms up and stretch whole body including feet
Out and down with arms, circling with feet exhale
Draw hands up from 1st disk to shoulders inhale
Left arm and foot extend and stretch exhale through four repetitions
Arm down to shoulder
Right arm and foot extend and stretch
Arm down to shoulder
Left arm and foot extend and stretch
Arm down to shoulder
Right arm and foot extend and stretch
Arms go out and then
Pull legs up (left first) and gather energy with both arms to sides
ending with fingers pointing to abdomen
Put feet on floor (left first) while
Both hands make ball from chest to abdomen
Compress energy from sides twice
Grab above stomach and pull outwards with arms and open legs to sides
Place energy on vital organs on both sides and straighten legs (left
Arms crossed up to in front of face pull apart and gaze at sky between
Draw right side of wheel
Draw left side of wheel
Grab wheel and turn slightly
Pull inwards and spread energy along chest and move arms outward to
ground at shoulder level palms up.
Rest in this position.