The Abstract Crustation Breating Form
Release Breath
Hands @ side/inhale/exhale
Clap 5x
Hands out - like forming the core of the energy body
Clap 5x
Crustaceous sound/movement
1st breath (arms tilt to one side then the other)
2nd breath (rib breath, arms shoot out to side)
Step forward R. forward L, push/stomp R. push/stomp L.
Clap 5x
Crust. sound/move
1st breath
Step forward R. forward L. pivot R. pivot L.
Clap 5x
Crustacaous sound/move
Backstep 3x (R.L.R., long step)
3rd breath (push forward with R. then L. hand)
Sidestep 3x to L.
Backhand R. backhand L. stab R. stab L. elbow R. pivot, elbow L.
Clap 5x
Hop 3x
3rd breath
Step R. step L. (short)
Clap 5x
Hop 3x
Sidestep/elbow strike to R. 2x
4th breath (w/R. arm L.R.L. inhale, exhale to R. open thumb, snip, snip)
Pivot and complete 4th breath sequence w/L. arm
Clap 5x
Pivot R. as you strike w/shoulder, push/strike r. hand 2x, stab L.,
upward strike R.
Step back, clap 5x
Crustacean sound/movement
3rd breath w/snips (push out R, pull back, snip snip, vice versa L.)
5 crustaceous hops back
Clap 5x
Crust. sound/move
3rd breath with snips
5 crustaceous hops in circle to R.
Clap 5x
The end.